Saranya Concept School is a school affiliated to CBSE near Kakinada, EG District of Andhra Pradesh. It is situated in G.Vemavaram village, inside Sri Jeeyar Swamiji’s Ashram near the junction called ‘Jaamikaayala thoomu’ on the Kakinada-Yanam state high-way between Chollangi and Matlapalem villages. The school serves students from Nursery to 10th grade.
The school is setup under the educational wing of Smt. Upanishat Siddhanta Acharya Peetham, Kakinada, founded by His Holiness Sri Tridandi Sriranga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji in the year 2011. Smt. Upanishat Siddhanta Acharya Peetham is registered under I.T. Act section 12AA as a religious charitable trust.
Our founder Sri Jeeyar Swamiji has established the school to promote value based education to the students of the surrounding areas including Kakinada and Yanam so that they can become good citizens and human beings with fundamentals of our culture and tradition well incorporated in their minds in theory as well as practice.
The trust manages the school through a sub-committee of the trust board members and also receives valuable guidance time-to-time from His Holiness Sri Swamiji.
The trust board members are eminent persons of Kakinada who have a bent of mind towards spirituality, philosophical practices and are interested to see the new generations carry-on our tradition, in a right perspective with positive approach.
The trust is actively involved in conducting several programs for the well-being of the society. A temple for Lord Venkateswara Swamy, an ashram for devotional practices and meditation, a home for the aged, merit scholarship for students from 9th grade through post graduation, subsidized education for students, a library-cum-reading-room in Kakinada, help for the poor and needy, mandirams for worship in Narsipatnam and Visakhapatnam, spreading the message of Vedas and Bhagavad Ramanujacharya through various publications are a few of the activities of the trust and its sister organizations.
For more information about Sri Swamiji, please visit http://www.jeeyarkakinada.org
For more information about School please visit other pages in this website.
Please contact us for any other details.
About Sri Swamiji
His Holiness Sri Tridandi Sreeranga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji, popularly known as Kakinada Jeeyar Swamiji, is one of the practical philosophers of the present day society, well respected for His virtuous practices, knowledge and administration.
Sri Swamiji was born in a family of scholars in the year 1955. He was fondly named as Kasturi Rangacharyulu by his father Sriman Kalvapudi Saranyacharyulu and mother Smt. Sitamma. Sri Saranyacharya swamy was a Pandit of Telugu, Sanskrit, Tamil languages and various scriptures of Indian Philosophy. He was very well known for his soft nature and radiant personality among his friends, colleagues and relatives.
Right from the childhood Sri Swamiji was known for his academic intelligence as well as ability to plan and administer any task or project to the full satisfaction of the persons involved.
Sri Swamiji completed his Masters degree in Nuclear Physics from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, in 1977. He took up a research project in Nuclear Spectroscopy there itself. He has won Swamy Jnanananda Gold medal and also was awarded CSIR fellowship.
He worked as a Manager of Andhra Bank for more than 10 years. He was quoted as a role-model among his colleagues and superiors as well.
Unknown to the outside world or even close family members, a quest for spiritual knowledge and full time practice was brewing in Sri Swamiji’s mind, may be right from his early age. In 1989 he finally severed his ties with the materialistic life and took a long leap into the world of full divinitiy. The way it happened came as a surprise or shock to everyone just like Lord Buddha’s way of renunciation.
He toured the entire breadth and length of our country and visited many Ashramams. He learnt about a wide variety of spiritual practices of different cults and traditions, but none of them could satisfy his quest.
One fine morning while he was in the southern most coast of our country, it dawned on him by the grace of the Almighty that he belongs to Him from times immemorial and his present body is just an alien.
The spiritual life of Kasturi Rangacharyulu grew stronger both in theoretical and practical philosophies from then on.
The Almighty further showered His grace on him which led him to several places for his spiritual practices, one of which was Santhi Ashramam of East Godavari District, State of Andhra Pradesh.
After performing Tapas with great restraints and mastering the holy scriptures, the scientist became a saint. He accepted the SANYASA – the sainthood – by acceding to the PARAMAHAMSA PARIVRAJAKA ACHARYA cadre in February 1993. He was a given a name Sri Tridandi Sriranga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji as he followed the doctrine of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya.
Sri Swamiji has become a Peethadhipathi (the head of a monastery) by establishing Sreemat Upanishad Siddhanta Acharya Peetham, Kakinada, in 1995.
The Ashramam (hermitage) of Sri Swamiji is 10 k.m. away from Kakinada city of Andhra Pradesh. It is very well known for its serene atmosphere and tranquility. Sri Swamiji’s penances are unique and can make every one recall the sages’ (Rishis’) austerities of ancient times.
Now a days, the saint and philosopher His Holiness Sri Tridandi Sriranga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji is fully engaged day-in and day-out in spreading the message of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya, by extending a helping hand to the humanity in all ages and in all walks of life by organizing several programs so that an average personality of the present day society can overcome the difficulties and lead a peaceful life either spiritual or material thus making the concept of universal brotherhood a reality.
Sri Swamiji founded Saranya Concept School with a vision to impart value based education to the children, complete with our tradition and culture.
A quick look at the eight ideals framed by Sri Swamiji for the students and teachers of Saranya Concept School will give a full sense of confidence and happiness to the parents that their wards are going to get the best education possible under the guidance of a great visionary, practical philosopher, able administrator and above all a revered saint His Holiness Sri Tridandi Sriranga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji.
We, the management, teachers and staff of Saranya Concept School bow at Sri Swamiji’s lotus feet for giving us an opportunity to serve the society by educating the children and upholding the highest values of our country’s tradition.
Saranya Concept School is located in G.Vemavaram Village of Tallarevu Mandal in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. It is at a distance of approximately 10 km from the city of Kakinada towards Yanam. Public and private transport is available in plenty from Kakinada or Yanam to reach the school. The school is situated in the popular Sri Jeeyar Swamiji’s Asramam which also houses a temple for Lord Venkateswara.
The school is established in spacious premises of 2.58 acres. Classrooms and administrative block are housed in seven buildings with strong RCC construction.
Two playgrounds are available for children – one for the primary classes and another for high school classes (1 Acre). Lush greenery around the classrooms works as an oxygen chamber for the school.
Coupled with a serenity of the Asramam, away from the traffic and commercial activity of the city, the school is in a very conducive atmosphere for learning.
RO Plant for drinking water, two dining halls and well supervised staff facilitate the dining and drinking needs of the school inmates throughout the working hours.
A fleet of buses and vans are available for transporting students and staff from and to their homes.
The school, established in 2011, is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, offering classes from Nursery to 10th Grade. The affiliation is valid up to 31st March, 2025.
Courses are offered in English medium. Students have the choice to take-up Telugu or Hindi as second language. Third language is taught from 3rd to 8th grade.
Digital classes with latest audio visual equipment such as smart boards, TABs for focused study and assessment and teaching through hands-on activities are implemented for a thorough understanding of the concepts as envisaged by CBSE curriculum.
Students of 10th grade are consistently showing better performance by scoring highest grades possible year after year. Students are participating in regional and national contests regularly. They not only earn prizes but also give a tough competition at state and national level as well.
Teachers are well trained in their subjects and are continuously guided by a team of academicians appointed by management almost on everyday basis.
The school earned a good name for itself in the city of Kakinada and surroundings within a short period under the guidance of our beloved founder His Holiness Sri Tridandi Sriranga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji.
Saranya Concept School is ‘Unique’ right from its location, campus design and in providing learning environment.
The school is located in a serene environment, away from the noise pollution. One who steps inside the school premises experiences the uniqueness of its design, which makes them feel that they have entered into an abode of peace and children always feel secured as it doesn’t have a routine school environment. I have heard many times the Tiny Tots those who came to school seeking for school admission, asking their parents “you said we are going to a school instead you brought me to a park”!!!
This park of knowledge provides an opportunity to every child to explore and learn from the Mother Nature. I have noticed children observing a stick insect camouflaging itself on a branch of a mango tree, a pupa of butterfly hanging to a stem and a Parrot nibbling a guava with excitement.
The Pedagogy also addresses the needs of different learning styles, which provides a stress free learning environment. Many a times parents worried that their children are not afraid of the school and suggested us to threaten them.Students were allowed to focus more on real learning than the virtual learning through volunteer work for school events.
Safety and healthy growing is the fundamental concern and concept of the school. Every member on the campus owns the ideology and vision of our Founder fondly known as Swamiji and work for the success of it.
Finally the Board results, year after year till date proved that we are moving ahead in a right direction and the success of the school Alumni not only in the Academics, also in social activities showing their concern towards the mankind further strengthened the thought that we are not only moving in right direction but also paving a path.
I cannot stay a single day without admiring our visionary founder Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Sriranga Ramanuja Jeeyer Swamiji for developing and monitoring very closely such a wonderful and successful design of learning.
Founder’s Vision – 8 ideals for students
I would like my students to —
1. Become good human beings who cannot stop themselves from helping the needy persons.
2. Love and care for their parents whole heartedly at any age.
3. Shy away and retract themselves from doing wrong things. By chance if they commit a mistake they should realize, repent and correct themselves.
4. Become employers rather than employees.
5. Drive the nation forward as officers in IAS or other cadres.
6. Become scientists who can forge ahead the progress of mankind.
7. Aim at filling enthusiasm and spread happiness around rather than keeping mere accumulation of wealth as their goal.
8. Develop an attitude of love and belief towards God Almighty and should always be grateful to Him.
Founder’s Vision – 8 ideals for teachers
I would like such teachers in my school who —
1. Can inculcate a helping attitude among the children so that they may feel the suffering of others as theirs and help them spontaneously.
2. Can train the children in such a way that they come forward without any hesitation, timidity or fear and take initiative to participate in every aspect with confidence and ease.
3. Will create a situation to dramatize and tell stories of great personalities and inspire the children in such a way that they develop a strong feeling to follow such great principles and become great people themselves.
4. Will explain the concepts of a lesson in a simple way, compare and correlate with daily life and encourage the children to write the same on their own, rather than prompting them to by-heart or mug-up the given questions and answers.
5. Will not reveal or indicate the questions directly or indirectly which are going to appear in the question paper before the exam or will not somehow give-out the answers to the students in the examination hall.
6. Enjoy teaching and feel proud that the students are able to learn new things from them and still feel sorry that adequate time is not available for them to teach many more details.
7. Will not discourage children by comparing them with others; instead encourage them that they too can perform in a similar way.
8. Will take-up a challenge to guide the naughty and under-achieving children in the right path instead of complaining against them and wash-off their hands.
Founder’s Vision – 8 Specialties of the School
Do you know the eight specialties of Saranya School?
1. In this school, we look forward to teach the concepts – but never try to make-up marks and grades. We try to improve the ‘real’ standards of education by all means.
2. We are teaching lessons with the help of smart board in digital classrooms. Concepts which are difficult to understand and are abstract in nature will be grasped by the students better in this method. It is noticed that comprehension levels are improved by 25% among the children as a result. This will also be helpful to those students who aspire to join institutes like IIT in future.
3. Even though the prime focus is on speaking and writing in English, which is an international language, this school does not encourage degrading the value of the mother tongue.
4. This school does not encourage the feelings of the parents who would like to boast, “My child does not know how to read and write in Telugu as he studied in English medium school.”
5. Children in their tender age have the capacity to learn multiple languages at the same time. That is the reason to introduce the national language ‘Hindi’ also at the primary level in this school.
6. Students are introduced regularly to various aspects of Indian culture, tradition and values through their routine works.
7. Full, healthy development of mental abilities and attitudes is possible only when it is coupled with an integrated physical growth. Vegetarian food items which promote such development, as recommended by Ayurveda, such as milk, honey, ghee, pulses, vegetables etc. are provided regularly in the form of a balanced diet in the school. Certain food substances such as Onion, Garlic, Masala spices etc. which lead towards distortion and distraction of the mind are not used in the diet. Parents may be very enthusiastic, interested and financially sound, but still, providing such a uniform diet for years together may not be possible for them at home. As such students are given enough mental and physical energy as a foundation during their tenure in this school, which can be used freely later in their future life. We all know that a well nurtured sapling gives us plentiful and tasteful yield when it turns into a big tree without the use of any fertilizers. This is the concept of this school.
8. Games period is compulsory in this school. Every student is encouraged to play because without physical exercise, cognitive skills and creativity will not bloom at the right time. To facilitate this activity there are two spacious play grounds in this school. There is an R.O. water plant for purified drinking water. Greenery of the school works as an oxygen chamber for freshness all around.